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Lead Designer


This will be my first solo project that I have developed not related to university and college and it is only in the very early stages in developments by that it is only in the ideas phase but I will upload future art to my twitter that I will link in the Contact page




Action Adventure




Game is only in the idea stage so no levels as of now


Profile: Tyrston

Age: 25

Height: 6’3

Tyrston is the hero of this story, being a standard everyday tavernkeep in a remote village known as hiton in the gentian kingdom, he is well built, versed in combat as he had served a few years in the kingdoms military before saving up and buying his hometown tavern to run, he is built in whatever the character has chosen as his expertise in combat from the use of, swords, lances, axes, bows or even magic and the stats are evenly built into whatever skill such as axes being strong but slow, swords being weaker but fast, lances being a good mix of the 2 but lower accuracy etc. so every build can be suited to a play style. Due to military experience with skirmishes from bandit raids and mercenaries, tyrston has his own share of war troubles as he tends to have a short fuse from time to time, exploding with anger even at the slightest inconvenience but can quickly get himself back under control, little did he know that this anger could be used in his favour in the story to come.

Isaiah - Tyrstons younger brother

Grace – Tyrstons wife

King Ganian – King of the gantian kingdom

Emperor Orion – Emperor of the Arinian Empire

Call – Member of the reaper clan

A.Watson – Mysterious inventor of fake moustaches

Watts – One of the fallen gods and the main antagonist

Gawidon – Goddess of the sea

Dorston – Final playable character

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